Umoor al-Qaza
Umoor al-Qaza
Umoor Al-Qaza - Legal Affairs
To be human is to be involved in one conflict or another. Yet, every conflict has its resolution, and when Mumineen truly believe in their shared brotherhood, in their collective mohabbat of Aqa Moula TUS, no conflict is too big to resolve.

Umoor al-Qaza thus, provides a safe and just platform for conflict mitigation on matters ranging from matrimonial issues to financial disputes, and inheritance cases. This Umoor ensures that the perspective of Shariat Mohammediyah prevails in all matters and despite the conflict, relationships are restored to their former state of peace and harmony.
Organization Chart
Al-Qaza chart
Get in touch
Location Map Maktab Mawarid Bashariyah, Chemco House, 3rd Floor, Opp Mukta Cinema,
Fort - Mumbai, 400001
Contact Number +91 2269886751