Umoor Al-Sehhat
Umoor Al-Sehhat
Umoor Al-Sehhat - Health
It is often said that "Health is Wealth". This is because good health is a vital resource and al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS has time and again motivated Mumineen to look after both their physical and spiritual health.

Furthermore, complete health cannot be achieved if our surroundings, our environment is unclean and polluted. Rasulullah SAW states that "Looking at greenery strengthens the vision"; and it is only by planting more trees can we rejuvenate ourselves.

Sports is yet another aspect of Umoor al-Sehhat and just as al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA advised children to exercise regularly, Aqa Moula TUS too, urges every Mumin to lead an active lifestyle.

Ultimately, it is through sound physical and mental health that the soul receives an abode to be healthy.
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Umoor al-sehhat chart
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Location Map Maktab Mawarid Bashariyah, Chemco House, 3rd Floor, Opp Mukta Cinema,
Fort - Mumbai, 400001
Contact Number +91 2269886751