Umoor Kharejiyah
Umoor Kharejiyah
Umoor Faizul Mawaid il Burhaniyah
Faizul Mawaid il Burhaniyah is the hasanat of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA through which His barakat reaches the home of every single Mumin. In His memory, and to attain the happiness of His Mansoos, Mumineen participate in Itaam al-Ta'aam all year round through Faizul Mawaid il Burhaniyah.

Hence, Umoor Faizul Mawaid il Burhaniyah ensures that thali reaches every household in the form of niyaaz, and not as a form of VC against monetary contribution. It is by understanding the significance of thali that members labor to provide appetising food while minimising food wastage.
Organization Chart
Umoor FMB chart
Get in touch
Location Map Maktab Mawarid Bashariyah, Chemco House, 3rd Floor, Opp Mukta Cinema,
Fort - Mumbai, 400001
Contact Number +91 2269886751